Inscreva seu projeto
1. Start Includy project

Create your own Includy project fast and easy. Describe why you are collecting money and set your target and expiration date. Everybody who chips in

Learn more on how to start creating your Includy project.
Mobilze interessados
2. Get in touch with your group.

Share your personal Includy link easily with your friends, family or other potential contributors. Includy will also send your group reminders

Find out how Includy can help you to reach out to your group
Trabalhe muito
3. Start collecting money

Your group can easily contribute to your project via Ideal.

Receive helpful advice from Includy.
Tudo ou nada
4. Receive your money

When your project reached the target you will receive the collected amount of money. In case your project didn’t reach the target, Includy will refund all contributors

Learn more about receiving your money.